Repurposed Nescafé aluminum cans store the necessary tools. To the left and right of the clock are the labor instruments of George I Vithoulkas that survived the earthquake of Zakynthos

Seen in the archival images, George Vithoulkas I with a business partner at their workshop in Thisseio, prior to moving to Erechthion Street where Miltiadis, the son of George I, founded his own workshop in 1985

Caprice aluminum tins and the orderly tools atop the tonics of the trade

Saints regularly appear within the workshop, in different materialities of craftsmanship

Remains of May 1st wreaths, joined by a comic

Remains of an Austrian clock now serve as a stand for transformed mustard containers used for special glues due to the modularity of the spout

Remains of an Austrian clock now serve as a stand for transformed mustard containers used for special glues due to the modularity of the spout

Worktable details

The special tree resin is used to protect and enhance the natural qualities of the wood

The special tree resin is used to protect and enhance the natural qualities of the wood

The special tree resin is used to protect and enhance the natural qualities of the wood

George Vithoulkas, after a coffee, in the antique store on Erechthiou Street

Hands across time; George Vithoulkas and Miltiadis Vithoulkas

Miltiadis Vithoulkas, the father of George I, specialized in the creation of small-scale boats with fine-precision detail

Miltiadis Vithoulkas, the father of George I, specialized in the creation of small-scale boats with fine-precision detail

George Vithoulkas and Miltiadis Vithoulkas

The palm of Miltiadis Vithoulkas

Tools used to break apart the foundations of furniture to begin the restoration process

Tools used to break apart the foundations of furniture to begin the restoration process

An especially wide pencil used for the marking of the furniture

George Vithoulkas pictured within the antique store on Erechthiou street
Photographs by Petros Toufexis © Athens Design Forum